Marriage is challenging enough for any two-people coming from different pasts and merging their lives under one roof. However, when the union of marriage puts one person under the violent control of another, it is simply a recipe for disaster. No person, neither man nor woman deserves to be treated inhumanely physically, verbally, sexually or emotionally. Damage to the psyche is incredibly harmful to an individual, especially under the constraints of a marriage vow.
It takes great courage and strength of will to choose a better life for yourself and any children involved. The Colorado family court systems are designed to act in the best interest of your children and your safety whenever there is a history of abuse.
Seeking out quality resources is important when contemplating divorce. You may be afraid of the repercussions of initiating a legal divorce and seeking custody of your children. But perhaps the scarier picture is the one of the future, where your life continues to go down a spiral of weakness and defeat under the power of your abusive spouse.
Despite your fears of financial hardship afterward, consider the return on investment this decision will hold for yourself and your family. When you invest in breaking free, you are investing in a much healthier life with growth and healing that is currently not possible in an abusive marriage.
Here are some simple first steps to take when organizing your action plan of divorce and new beginnings:
It may feel daunting at first when your mind is overwhelmed with questions of how to get out of your current situation. Just remember that there are many resources available to get you on a better life path. It only takes stubborn courage every step of the way.