Category Archives: Divorce

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Who gets the vacation home in a divorce?

When you and your partner share significant real estate assets, you may rightfully have concerns about who would receive this property in a divorce. Whether you have a modest ski…

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What can’t divorce do for you?

As a divorcing couple in Colorado, you may have some ideas about divorce already when you first go into it. However, some of the ideas you have may be incorrect.…

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Finding a healthy outlet for negative emotions during a divorce

Our law office recognizes the many reasons why people struggle with strong emotions during their divorce. Their ability to spend time with their kids may be in jeopardy, and they…

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Keep your divorce from destroying your career

When your private life is in upheaval, it can be very difficult to keep your professional life on track. However, you don’t want your pending divorce to have a long-term…

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What happens to home equity when you divorce?

Most married couples find that their lives become heavily intertwined once they say, “I do,” but this also means you need to untangle your life from your former partner’s, should…

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Do you need a forensic accountant on your divorce team?

The more assets you have, the higher the stakes are in a divorce. Many people with substantial assets find that hiring a forensic accountant helps them keep more of what they…

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Is there a maximum on spousal support in Colorado?

In the months leading up to your divorce, many questions may run through your mind – including fears about the future. If your spouse has always been the breadwinner in your relationship,…

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Minimizing the impact of divorce on the kids

A divorce is not easy on anyone. If you and your spouse have children, your divorce case will likely be even harder to navigate. Doing what is best for the…

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Paying for your divorce: Some options to consider

The high cost of divorce isn’t just emotional — it’s also financial. The average cost of divorce these days is estimated to be about $15,000 — although that can vary…

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How Facebook, texts and emails affect a divorce case

Numerous divorces take place in Colorado each year. That means a lot of people spend thousands of dollars to separate from their partners. In 2018, Colorado fell into the top 10…

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Getting a divorce? It’s time to get legal help

Divorce is a particularly stressful experience for most people because it affects you emotionally, socially, physically and financially. Having a support system in place early is one of the main…

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A Comprehensive Approach to Divorce

A divorce involves many moving parts. Fortunately, our law firm has the experience to guide you through the process. When you contact us, we explain our comprehensive approach to family…

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Tips for newly single parents

Figuring out your life after divorce is tough. If you have primary or sole custody of your child, you must navigate the new world of single parenthood. While you may be thankful…

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Who gets the season tickets after your divorce?

The Rockies have had a decidedly mediocre start to the season. If you are an avid fan of Denver’s ballclub, though, you may value your season tickets. After all, even…

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Does your custody agreement need a right of first refusal clause?

Douglas County is a wonderful place to raise a family. Whether you are watching your kids play soccer at Stroh Ranch, hiking with them at Roxborough or heading downtown for…

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3 tips for surviving a highly-emotional divorce

Ending your marriage can be highly emotional. While getting a divorce may be a legal and financial process, there is much more to it than dividing assets, determining custody and going to…

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4 Social Media Posts To Avoid During Your Divorce

When you join your friends for drinks at the View House or another fun restaurant, it can be impossible to resist posting a picture of your cocktail, pals or appetizer…

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How to prove you need alimony

If you are a stay-at-home spouse planning to get a divorce, you may have concerns about your financial stability. While you may assume you deserve spousal maintenance, you may wonder if…

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Is joint custody your best option?

If you are a Colorado parent facing a divorce, the welfare of your children after the divorce likely is one of your highest concerns. It also is likely one of…

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How children of divorce may function as adults

Many parents may feel concerned about how their child may react to a divorce when it happens. Then, after a while, you may wonder whether your child’s behavior is still a result…

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More compromise leads to faster Colorado divorce proceedings

Though you may not get along with your spouse as you head toward divorce, trying to compromise on various issues may save you money and time. The emotional toll that…

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Are you in a controlling relationship?

No marriage is perfect. However, there are major differences between healthy relationships and toxic ones. Some spouses struggle to identify whether their partner is controlling or not. It’s possible that…

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Leaving an abusive marriage takes courage

Marriage is challenging enough for any two-people coming from different pasts and merging their lives under one roof. However, when the union of marriage puts one person under the violent…

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Facebook user? Be careful sharing during divorce

A proud parent wants to show off — your kids, loving husband, holidays and daily life. Social media sites can be a great way to share these fun times with…

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