If your divorce was finalized last year, you’ll need to take some extra time with your 2022 income tax return. There will likely be a number of changes. You’ll probably…
Divorce rates may be on the decline, but it is still very common in the United States. Most people know others who have been divorced, and many have been divorced…
You might not feel like shouting about your pending divorce from the rooftops. Yet, you should think about telling a few key people. These are people who can help you…
Parenting together after your divorce can be challenging. If you do not manage those challenges well, it can result in conflict, which harms you and your children. There are ways…
Your spouse wanted to start seeing a marriage therapist to work on the difficulties in your marriage. Both of you may have seen this therapist for a few months or years since…
The situation between you and your spouse may no longer be what it was and it may not be what you want it to be anymore. The trick is knowing…
There are a lot of difficult aspects of divorce. Yet, while some people concern themselves with property division and alimony, others are primarily worried about how divorce will affect their…
Divorce presents a host of financial considerations for both parties. One of these difficult choices involves who will maintain vehicle ownership and responsibility after the ink has dried on the…
Maintaining health insurance coverage is a major concern for many people due to the high cost of medical care. People who have health insurance through their spouse’s group plan at…
There’s no doubt that divorce can be an expensive endeavor. After all, the property division process itself can leave you with limited resources, which can create stress about your financial…
Divorce is a difficult time for everyone, but many people aren’t ready for the emotional toll that it presents. There are several things that you should consider when you’re going…
Smartphones have become indelibly attached to our daily lives. It is often difficult to remember our lives before cellphones. Chances are, you may be reading this informative article on a…
Unraveling your personal and financial life from your ex during a divorce is complicated. It can require working with forensic accountants, counselors and other professionals who can help you untangle…
Property distribution is one of the main concerns of couples who decide to file for divorce. Anything you acquired during your marriage is marital property, and the court will divide…
Does it make any sense for an impending ex-spouse to willingly invite public scrutiny of his or her divorce details? Most individuals working their way through the dissolution process in…
In Colorado and across the nation, people are adapting to the different landscape in various ways. For couples who were suddenly spending more time together than they were previously accustomed…
Before you can get divorced, you must first be married. Everyone knows this, and almost everyone knows if they are married or not. Almost — but not everyone. For example,…
Divorce can be difficult at any age but divorcing later in life can have its own set of challenges. The rate of ‘gray divorce’ or divorce after the age of…
Going through a divorce involves a lot of commotion and newness for both parents and their little ones. However, taking steps to ease the transition and consciously co-parent can make…
The millennial generation has embraced a once taboo marital agreement. The prenuptial agreement or “prenup” is a contract between two soon to married parties that delineates how the couple’s assets…
For married couples in Highlands Ranch whose relationship is no longer working but for whom divorce is not an option, legal separation could be the right alternative. In a way,…
When divorce is inevitable, you must start to consider your finances. One of the biggest hurdles for couples is to split assets and debts during the divorce process. Nerdwallet provides…
Last month, The Supreme Court of Colorado expanded the definition of common-law marriage. This ruling gives same-sex couples additional opportunities to qualify for married status. As a result of the…
When a divorce becomes final, both ex-spouses are free to begin a new life, and this usually includes new relationships and new locations. Most Americans relocate 12 times during their…